If you have not made the decision yet to use Generations Quest with your family, consider the following . . .
- This month families will learn how Josiah became king at age eight - this is also when he chose to follow God! If you have young grandchildren, wouldn't you want them to know they are able to make the same choice; even when they are young?
- Families will learn how as a teenager Josiah made the choice to seek the God of his father, David, then rid the land of idols - and be challenged to do the same! If you have teenage grandchildren, wouldn't you want them to know they are able to choose to seek God and rid their lives of idols, too?
- Families will discover how as a young adult (about 25 years old) when God's Word was discovered (after being missing for about 75 years) Josiah read it, responded to what he learned and chose to obey God with his all! If you have grandchildren who are young adults, wouldn't you want them to love God's Word and choose to follow it with their all?

Generations Quest truly is for grandparents to use with all ages of their grandchildren! And, as you do, as you read, understand and live God's Word together, you will all grow in your walk with God!
I email my grandsons each day with a personal note and the verse and question for the day. I share a few of my thoughts about the verse we all are reading and encourage them in their walk. My grandsons say they like knowing we are reading the same Bible verses each day - and so do I! You truly can do the same with your grandchildren - no matter their age or location!
So, check it out at generationsquest.com - start today!
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