Wednesday, August 9, 2023

grandma's chuckles - Top Five Important Things . . .

One day, a number of years ago, when my grandsons were six and three I asked them what the most important things are for a grandma to do and thought I'd share their answers with you . . . 

  1. Love their grandsons! (I agree with this one!)
  2. Sing! (Apparently they like it when I sing to them at bedtime!)
  3. Hug (They have had a fair amount of hugs from this grandma!)
  4. Snuggle!!! (I definitely agree with them on this one!)
  5. Dance (I told the boys I didn't dance very often, and they said, "Well, then you will have to learn since it is important for a grandma to do!" They told me they could teach me how since they dance a lot!)
Well, these are the top five of their important things for a grandma to do . . . according to my grandsons when they were young. Ask your grandchildren - you will likely enjoy their answers!

Have a joy-filled day!

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