Sunday, August 6, 2023

illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Heroes - Deborah & Jael, Jeremiah, and Joshua

Over the past two days I have let you know about half of the illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Heroes - today I want to let you know about three more . . .

Deborah knew something very, very important. Jael knew the same very, very important thing Deborah knew! They knew even though they were women, they could still choose to trust and obey God . . . even if others were too afraid to do so!

As you learn about Deborah and Jael in this “
Illustrate My Own – Unknown Bible Heroes” book, you will come to learn who Deborah and Jael were and will remember the important lesson they taught about trusting and obeying God, even if others are too afraid to do so!

Jeremiah knew something completely amazing! He knew he had to give his all to search for the greatest treasure of all . . . knowing God! Most importantly, Jeremiah knew if he gave his all to seek and obey God, then he would find God!

As you learn about Jeremiah in this “
Illustrate My Own –Unknown Bible Hero” book, you will come to learn who Jeremiah was and will remember the important lesson he taught about how you can choose to seek and obey God with your whole self!

Joshua saw God do something very, very amazing! It was more than just very, very amazing . . . it was something which had never happened before and has never happened again since! Joshua made the choice to talk with God about his situation, because he knew for sure God would hear him when he prayed!

As you learn about Joshua in this “
Illustrate My Own –Unknown Bible Hero” book, you will come to learn who Joshua was and will remember the important lesson he taught about how we can know for sure God hears us when we pray!

With these books, you will be able to show your creativity and provide the illustrations making them truly your own! It does not matter if you are only able to draw stick people (and seriously, a book with stick people could be a fantastic book!) - the point is the value in in the conversations these books will generate! And, stick people, or more detailed illustrations, these books will be a treasure to enjoy as you and/or the children you love put the time into illustrating them!

So, artist or not, get these books, illustrate them, and treasure the conversations - and most importantly the learning - which will happen as you do!

 #handdownconfidentfaith #illustratemyown #familyfun #realBibleheroes

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