Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

I've been writing for several years about how important it is for us, as grandparents to hand down a heritage of confident faith. One way I do this is to let you know about resources to help you as you do this. Today I'm sharing a resource with you which you could read and use to hand down confident faith to your grandchildren!

In Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren, along with sharing some of my "cute-grandson stories", I talk about important things for grandparents to think about and keep in mind as they focus on handing down a heritage of confident faith to their grandchildren. I talk about -

  • How God is our perfect Example of what it means to, "well-love" our grandchildren and we need to, "take delight" in them.
  • We need to point our grandchildren to God and His love and grace.
  • We need to make time for and listen to our grandchildren.
  • We need to point our grandchildren to God and how they can trust Him to always make time for them, because He promises to hear, listen to, and answer their prayers.
  • God's perspective is always true and can be depended upon.
  • God sent Jesus to seek and find us and our grandchildren can learn to be people who seek God.
  • God's love is faithful and can be trusted.
  • God shows His goodness to us - we need to watch for it and thank Him when we experience His goodness in our lives.
  • God wants us to love Him with our all and love others as well.
  • We can be enthusiastic about walking with God and share this enthusiasm with our grandchildren, so they will see the joy which comes from knowing, loving, and walking with God.
  • There are times when God tells us, "no", and we need to respond with obedience when He does.
  • We need to pray our grandchildren will have, "open eyes of faith" and will be able to see the truth of Who God is and how they need to choose to trust and obey Him.
Each chapter of Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren
ends with a Scripture prayer you may pray for your grandchildren and some ideas of ways you will be able to implement what you learn to help you point your grandchildren to God!

Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is a good book for grandparents to read on their own, or for small groups and Sunday school classes to work through together. Get a copy for yourself and recommend it to the grandparents you know!

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