Thursday, October 5, 2023

It is National Do Something Nice Day!

Daysoftheyear (dot) com says; "Sure, every day is a great day to do something nice! But this day, the practice of kindness is particularly relevant as it’s time for Do Something Nice Day!" I agree, but I also agree a day to focus upon doing nice things for others is a fantastic idea for sure!

On their site (at this link) they tell about some big and small ways people have been kind through the ages - such as - 

  • The Underground Railroad - certainly a huge way to be more than "kind" as slavery was hideous and helping people escape to freedom was necessary.
  • Mother Teresa's work among the desperately poor in India.
  • The start of Random Acts of Kindness
Being kind and doing something nice are certainly things we should do every day - these things can be big, like supporting a child through Compassion International, helping a group which provides meals for children - such as Kid's Food Basket, becoming foster parents, or taking cookies to your local fire fighters and police. They are also able to be small things such as giving a compliment to someone, smiling at a stranger, saying hello to someone. Whether you do something big or small, make today the day you do something nice - and gather the children you love and have them join you in doing something nice today as well!

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