Sunday, October 22, 2023

Operation Frog Effect

I was invited several years ago to review a book for children - Operation Frog Effect which I want to share with you again today. It arrived and was sitting on my sofa when my grandsons came over. My oldest grandson who was then ten years old saw it and started reading it, so today, in my review, I'm very happy to share with you his opinion of  Operation Frog Effect as well.

Operation Frog Effect
Author/Illustrator - Sarah Scheerger
Publisher - Random House Books for Young Readers
Ages - 8-12

Favorite Features -

  • Unique style, format, design as a "chapter" book for pre-teens; it is written as journal entries from eight children at school.
  • My grandson said it was very interesting - and funny.
  • Strong messages which encourage children with the truth of how what they do does impact others and they are able to take responsibility and make things right when they do something wrong.
  • My grandson especially enjoyed the "journal entry" where the child wrote to the class frog! He said it was something he might do - he does enjoy humor!
Random House Books for Young Readers says; "If one small act can create a ripple across the universe . . . what happens when a whole group of kids join together and act? Told in eight perspectives--including one in graphic novel form--Operation Frog Effect is perfect for anyone who wants to make a difference.

Hi--It's us, Ms. Graham's class. We didn't mean to mess things up. But we did. We took things too far, and now Ms. Graham is in trouble--for something we did. We made a mistake. The question is, can we fix it? Ms. Graham taught us we get to choose the kind of people we want to be and a single act can create ripples. So get ready, world--we're about to make some ripples. Sincerely, Kayley, Kai, Henry, Aviva, Cecilia, Blake, Sharon, Emily (and Kermit, class frog)

Everyone makes mistakes. But what happens when your mistake hurts someone else? Told in eight perspectives--including one in graphic novel form, Operation Frog Effect celebrates standing up and standing together, and tells the unforgettable story of how eight very different kids take responsibility for their actions and unite for a cause in which they all believe."

Any book which appeals to children, gets them to want to read it and has a solid message is a book I will be happy to recommend.  Operation Frog Effect is one such book. My ten-year old grandson says it is a book children will want to read and one which they will enjoy reading. I found Operation Frog Effect has a very creative way to capture the attention of pre-teen readers - by setting the story in a school, with a variety of children - as one might find in any upper-elementary/middle school classroom, with a writing assignment from the teacher. Readers will identify with both the characters and the setting/premise of the story. And, as mentioned above, I am very happy to see solid messages in Operation Frog EffectI do believe children will get the point and learn while enjoying the story.

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