Friday, October 6, 2023

The Grand Expedition by Sherry Schumann.

I recently received a new book in the mail which was written by a dear friend and today I am very happy to let you know about it - The Grand Expedition by Sherry Schumann. Sherry is the President of the Christian Grandparenting Network and she has this to say about her book - 

Join us as we embark on a prayer expedition that has been designed to strengthen our prayer lives, so we can successfully battle for the hearts, minds and souls of our children and grandchildren. During this expedition, we will enjoy rich narratives at selected destination points in Luke’s gospel. We will sift through stories from Jesus’ ministry, all the while being led along dirt roads, under olive groves, through the Temple gates and into our own hearts. We will uncover biblical truths for unleashing the power of prayer and garner applicable tools for stepping-up our prayer lives. We will encounter present-day grandparents whose faith stories inspire even the most cynical among us to believe miracles still happen.

I could not agree more. In The Grand Expedition Sherry shares with us why she absolutely believes grandparents' prayers "influence the hand of a sovereign God." In her book, Sherry guides us on an "expedition" primarily through the Gospel of Luke, where we are blessed to take a close look at Jesus' ministry, and doing so we discover the truth of what the Bible has to reach us about prayer. I love how Sherry shares from her own experience as a prayer warrior, which not only encourages, but is certain to challenge us as well.

Each chapter as she walks us through the wisdom from the Scriptures, we will better understand what it means to talk with God as an effective grandparent who prays, discover a new view into Jesus' life, find ourselves more firmly grounded in the truth, as well as be encouraged and challenged by the experiences of other grandparents. Whether you are a grandparent who prays with confidence, or one who struggles to pray, this book will equip you to be a grandparent who prays with confidence.

You will find The Grand Expedition at this link.

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