Monday, October 2, 2023

What Good is God?

As Barna's studies and Gallup's poll shows, more and more people are no longer believing in God or trusting the Bible to be true - at least here in the USA. When you are faced with questions about whether God is real or good or not, do you have any answers to these questions? Or if you are looking for answers to your own questions, do you wonder where to look? Today I am very happy to share with you a book with answers and let you know about a fantastic offer where you are able to get the Kindle copy for just $1.99!

What Good is God? by Philip Yancey is available at this link. In this book you will see how journalist and spiritual seeker Philip Yancey tackles the question - What Good Is God? In this book he looks at, "the practical value of belief in God. His search for the answer to this question took him to some amazing settings around the world: Mumbai, India when the firing started during the terrorist attacks; at the motel where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated; on the Virginia Tech campus soon after the massacre; an AA convention; and even to a conference for women in prostitution. At each of the ten places he visited, his preparation for the visit and exactly what he said to the people he met each provided evidence how faith really does work when what we believe is severely tested. What Good Is God? tells the story of Philip's journey -- the background, the preparation, the presentations themselves. Here is a story of grace for armchair travelers, spiritual seekers, and those in desperate need of assurance their faith really matters."

If you do not have questions, or have not had people you love ask you if God is real, if He is good, or why faith matters, get this book. Read it. You will find solid answers in it.

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