Monday, November 27, 2023

A Three-Year Old, Sacrifice & Big Hero 6

The animated movie, Big Hero 6 was a favorite with my grandsons when they were younger . . . no big surprise as there are super heroes, robots, bad guys who get caught, and excitement. It also has a solid message of family, friends, relationships, and sacrifice . . . which I’m surprised to say, my then three-year old grandson understood.

One Friday when his Poppa brought him home after work for a sleep-over, he apparently had much to say about how Baymax (the robot) sacrificed himself for Hiro. “Sacrificed”??? What three-year old knows what this word means and is able to identify a character who sacrificed themselves and for whom they sacrificed themselves?

Apparently this three-year old could!

So, today, if you have not watched Big Hero 6 with your grandchildren I’d love to encourage you to do so – and be sure to talk with them about the solid messages of family, friends, relationships, and sacrifice in the movie and how Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. 

I love it when a movie gives me the opportunity to have important and meaningful conversations with my grandsons! Apparently Big Hero 6 is one such movie.

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