Sunday, November 26, 2023

grandma's chuckles - Snow Duck Man of Doom!

We are supposed to receive our first snow of the season today, which brought a logical question to mind - followed by a sweet memory . . . first for the logical question - what do you do when you are at your grandparent's home and there is snow in their large yard? The answer is clearly, of course you play in it!

Which brings me to the sweet memory. Seven years ago when my grandsons were here they wanted to go out to play in the snow. Could they build a simple snowman? Of course not! They built a snow duck man of doom! What else would an eight-year old, a five-year old, and a three-year old build from snow?

These boys make my heart ever so happy! They are sweet, funny, and are gifts from the hand of God!

What is something funny your grandchildren have said or done lately?

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