Friday, November 10, 2023

Things Which Fill My Heart With Joy!

There are things which bring a smile to my face and which fill my heart with joy . . . things which I experience because I am, “grandma”. For example, when my grandsons were younger and ran into my home with big smiles on their faces – I also had a big smile on my face; and joy in my heart! Now they are older and they still tend to have smiles on their faces when they come to my house - I most certainly do as well!

When my grandsons are excited to tell me about something they learned, did or a new story they made up – I have a big smile on my face; and joy in my heart! When my grandsons laugh – I have a big smile on my face; and joy in my heart! 

All of these things are wonderful and amazing parts of being; “grandma” and I love them all! So, while we tend to think about things which make us thankful (joyful) this time of year, being grandma to my three wonderful grandsons fills me with joy and thankfulness at all times!

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