Monday, November 13, 2023

Today is World Kindness Day!

Today is World Kindness Day - if ever we needed kindness in our world it is thing about kindness is it is contagious, and it does truly change everything. So, today make the choice to be kind to yourself - give yourself a break. Then, be kind to the people around you - take time to smile, say hello, say thank you, let someone else go first. These are all simple ways to be kind - and easy ways to be kind.

Take time to encourage those you love to be kind - I do this regularly with my grandsons. Just last week I told them how thankful I was for each of them and I knew they were able to be kind to others because I have been able to watch them show kindness to others. I told them I knew they were able to be kind in how they spoke to and treated others and said, "Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone chose to be kind - it would be a far better place." To which my youngest grandson said, "That is for sure!"

It is for sure! We are able to be kind. We are able to encourage others to be kind and when we do we make our world a better place!

So, today on World Kindness Day, be kind! Encourage others to be kind - then do the same thing tomorrow, and the next day. Treat each day as if it were World Kindness Day! (You will learn more about World Kindness Day at this link.)

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