Sunday, December 31, 2023

crafting with grandma - Life-Sized Drawings!

Quite a number of years ago when my sweet grandsons were younger and were at my house, we took large sheets of paper and had them lay on the paper, on the floor while I traced around them. They then got to work turning the drawing of him into, amazing things - such as themselves as Super Robots!!!! 

It is a wonderful thing to know so much fun can be had at virtually no cost. I happened to get those large sheets of paper as packing in a box of books and of course, we hade crayons in the house!

So, if you are looking for something fun to do with your grandchildren, grab some large sheets of paper - or make some by taping pieces of paper together - and trace your grandchildren. Oh, and be sure to have your camera ready as you will be able to get some great photos - which will bring you happy memories years later as they did for me! Enjoy!

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