Tuesday, December 5, 2023

grandma's cookbook - Peanut-Butter Cup Cookies!

Since yesterday was National Homemade Cookie Day, I thought I'd share another cookie recipe with you today. I saw this recipe on Pinterest so today is a the day to share it with you! I love how this is a fairly simple recipe and it is one the children you love will have fun helping you make - I'm sure they will love putting the peanut-butter cups in the cookies! (Of course, they are very likely to sample a few peanut-butter cups as well!)

Follow this link for the recipe and a photo tutorial to help you with the directions for adding the peanut-butter cup! Fun to make and I am certain they will be a most tasty and fun cookie to eat!

So, what do you think? Have you ever made these cookies before? If not, how long before you think you will be mixing up a batch?  Enjoy!

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