Saturday, December 2, 2023

It is Time for a Candy Cane Hunt!

Yes, it is the time of year for a Candy Cane Hunt! What is a Candy Cane Hunt, you ask? Think Easter Egg Hunt, and substitute Candy Canes, grab your camera, and get ready for some photos, memories, and fun your grandchildren - or children - will never forget!

Take your candy canes - large, small, medium, and hang on bushes, trees, swing sets, etc. outside, gather the children (maybe include neighborhood children) and let them loose to go find the Candy Canes.

If the children you love live far, send them the candy canes, ask their parents to hide them outside, and take photos for you - connect on-line for the hunt and get ready for long-distance-fun!

Why have a Candy Cane Hunt? Because it is fun, will create memories, and engage the ones you love in doing something together. Fun is a good thing, so get your candy canes and the ones you love and get ready for some fun!

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