Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Just For Fun - Today is Make Paper Snowflakes Day!

Yes, today is, "Make Paper Snowflakes Day"! Where I live in Michigan we have no real snowflakes outside, but since today is, "Make Paper Snowflakes Day", I thought I'd share a couple fun and surprising facts about snow, a real photo of a real snowflake, and some ideas for making some of your own paper snowflakes! 
Did you know - 
  • In the U.S. alone, about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 snowflakes fall each year. (This is one septillion!)
  • 10 inches of snow is equal to one inch of water.
You will find more fun facts and ideas for celebrating at this link.

Now for making your own paper snowflakes . . . I found the
following link on Pinterest and it has a number of designs for you to try on your own to make beautiful paper snowflakes! Consider 
having your grandchildren make a basket of snowflakes which they could take to neighbors or shut-ins to brighten their day! Talk with them about how each snowflake is different; designed by God, just as each of us are different and designed by God, too!


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