Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My Christmas Carols - Happy Day After Christmas! - Matthew West

I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with your families. As you go through today remember; "Even when Christmas is over the Light of the World is still here!" This song is beautiful and you will find it at this link.

Here comes the letdown, Christmas is over. Here comes the meltdown, there goes the cheer. But before we have a breakdown, let us remember The light of the world is still here.

Happy day after Christmas, And merry rest of the year. Even when Christmas is over, The light of the world is still here. The light of the world.

Come January I’m ready for summer, The Super Bowl’s over and I’ll settle for spring. Sometimes we all need a change in the weather, But it won’t change the reason we sing.

Happy day after Christmas. And merry rest of the year. Even when Christmas is over, The light of the world is still here. The light of the world, The light of the world, The light of the world.

So take down the stockings, take back the sweaters Take down the lights, and the star, and the tree. But don’t let this world take your joy after Christmas. Take joy to the world and just sing.

Happy day after Christmas, And merry rest of the year. Even when Christmas is over, The light of the world is still here. 
The light of the world.

I love the message to this song! As "life" continues and you go back to work, back to the day-in-day-out "normal-ness" of life, "don't let this world take your joy" and remember, "the Light of the world is still here!" Happy "Day after Christmas and Merry Rest of the Year!"

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