I love to spend time with my grandsons. Without a doubt, even though these three, sweet boys have more energy on a slow day than I even think of having, I love to spend time with them! This photo was taken eight years ago in those days of "more energy" when they were seven, four, and two; I loved spending time with them - and continue to love doing this today. Even though there are other things I could do; I LOVE to spend time with them.
- Because I love them. This seems like a, "no-brainer", but it is absolutely true! I love them - even when they misbehave, and while they are as sweet as can be, they are normal boys who when they were younger there were times they misbehaved. But, I love them . . . all of the time! When I had to give one of them a time-out, I always told them I loved them . . . all of the time. I told them this at other times, but especially when they were in a time-out. I wanted them to know their grandma loves them - no matter what - all of the time.
- They fill my heart with joy! When I spend time with them, I get to see how they are growing and hear what they have to say. I get to hear about the things they are learning and doing. I get to hear and see how they are growing. This fills my heart with joy!
- They make me laugh! These three boys are truly funny! They regularly say and do things which leave me laughing for days and weeks and even for years! The boys were at my house Sunday, and I told my youngest grandson how when he was seven (three years ago) he said he needed white hair, blue eyes, a black thumb of death, and love to make me. He laughed and said, "This is still pretty accurate, although I'd also have to have glasses - polka-dot glasses!" (I wear red glasses with white polka-dots on them.) If I didn't spend time with my grandsons, I'd miss seeing and hearing how funny these boys are.
- Spending time with them, gives me the opportunity to get to know them. I want to know these boys. I want to know what makes them happy, what makes them sad, what makes them curious. I want to know them. By spending time with the boys I know they really love animals - especially dogs. They are rascals, but absolutely sweet rascals! They have quite a sense of humor and stubborn streaks as well! And they are growing to be young men with kind and tender hearts! They are so intelligent and curious and loving! I would not know these things about my three, sweet boys if I didn't spend time with them, so I love to spend time with them; I absolutely want to know them!
- Most importantly, spending time with them gives me the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. I want to challenge them to choose to be kind and encourage them when they are. I want to have important conversations with them about our world, my faith in God, and the future. I want to make a difference and by spending time with them, I am able to do this.
It is all about the relationship. I want to know my grandsons and I want them to know me. This means spending time together. While I could certainly get to know them if we lived far apart, I'd have to be much more focused in doing so by taking advantage of things like facetime. I am very blessed to have my grandsons live only about 10 minutes from my house, so we get to spend a lot of time together.
There are more reasons I love to spend time with my grandsons, but these are my top five reasons. What are your top reasons you love to spend time with your grandchildren?
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