Sunday, January 28, 2024

14 Days of Love - Countdown to Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is getting closer, so I thought I'd share with you an idea I found on  Pinterest for sharing love with people you love - a countdown to Valentine's Day! It could easily be "tweaked" for you to use with your grandchildren . . . for example, on Day 14 the "tag" says, "You make my heart "bubble" over!" and the item you attach it to is supposed to be a bottle of sparkling cider. They give suggestions of also using any carbonated beverage, Bubble Tape, or Bubble Yum, but I'd use a bottle of bubbles!

Just follow this link and you'll find 14 tags - with a download link - and 14 fun ways communicate your love to special people in your life! This would be so fun to put together for your grandchildren . . . just pack everything in a big box, individually wrap each item so your grandchildren can open one each day leading up to Valentine's Day! It would also be a fun project for you to work on with your grandchildren as a way to brighten the day of a shut-in or elderly neighbor you know! Have fun!

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