Now for the squares - the first one I made was a Celtic Knot square. I really like it because it is unique and it adds a fun look to my purse! This link will take you to a free download from Raverly for the pattern and it is really easy to make!
With my back and flap squares covered, I chose a simple Waffle pattern to make my final square. Follow this link to Suburban Jubilee and you'll find a tutorial for making the waffle stitch - just make it to fit the size square you need for your project! I love the texture and look of this stitch!
Since some of my squares had "openings" between stitches which may have allowed items in my purse to slip through, I crocheted a simple lining in single stitches - I just chained a length to fit inside my purse and then crocheted around both sides of the chain and continued around until it was the size I needed for my purse. I added a pouch for my make-up on one side and a couple flaps for my driver's license and cards on the other to keep them handy and easy to find! I put the liner inside my purse and crocheted around the top edge - crocheting over the handles - which I made by chaining eight, joining in first chain and then single crocheting around until it was the length I wanted. I made two and twisted them together - if I make a purse like this again, I think I'd make three and braid them together.
This is all there is to it! I love my new purse and am quite sure I'll be making another, one of these days, using different colors - maybe different square patterns - who knows! Time will tell! :-)
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