Wednesday, January 10, 2024

grandma's chuckles:^) . . . Once Upon a Time . . .

I always loved reading books to to my grandsons when they were younger . . . it seems to be one of the "grandma requirements", but as much as I enjoyed reading books to them, I really loved making up stories . . . and was so happy to see they truly enjoyed our times when we made up stories! I loved being able to see how their imaginations were growing and of course the "storytelling" of young boys brings at least a few laughs! 

One day when they were here, we were making up stories about them, a dinosaur, and a rock monster. Me, "Once upon a time there was a boy named Josiah . . ." Josiah, "And he heard a scary sound!" Me, "What scary sound did he hear?" Josiah, "He heard, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!" Me, "Ooooohhh! What made the scary stomp sound?" Josiah, "It was a dinosaur!!!" Me, "A dinosaur???!!!!" Josiah, "Yes! A dinosaur and a rock monster! They were dancing, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!" Me, "And when they saw the boy Josiah, they were afraid!" Josiah, "Boys are not scary." Me, "Well, if you were a dinosaur and a rock monster and never saw a boy before, a boy may be a scary thing. What did Josiah tell the dinosaur and the rock monster?" Josiah, "I'm not scary!" Me, "So Josiah danced with the dinosaur and rock monster, but then they heard another scary sound! It was a grumble, grumble, grumble sound!" Josiah, "They were hungry!" Me, "What did they want to eat?" Josiah, "Salad because the dinosaur was green! And they wanted to eat Josiah!" Me, "They wanted to eat Josiah???!!!! I don't want them to eat you!!!" Josiah, (in a whisper to me) "Not me, the other Josiah!" (the one in the story) Me, "Oh, that is a relief!

Making up stories about a boy named Josiah, a dinosaur, and a rock monster was one of my favorite things to do! :^) Not only is it an opportunity to help your grandchild develop his/her imagination, but it provides an opportunity to build memories and your relationship - of course snuggling, hugs, and laughing is involved with making up stories! 

What stories do your grandchildren love to make up with you?

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