Thursday, January 18, 2024


When I was a child I looked forward to visiting my grandparents; and especially to sleep-overs! I have many wonderful memories of riding in my grandpa's car on the way to their house in the country for a sleep-over (they lived about six miles from my home in a small, "Norman Rockwell-town"). My grandpa always asked me to sing my Sunday school songs in the car on the way to his house . . . and I sang them at the top of my lungs! (It always embarrassed my older sister when I sang like this in Sunday school, but my grandpa loved to hear me sing - which amazed and delighted me!)

I remember the aroma of fresh-baked bread in my grandma's kitchen . . . and being given a fresh-from-the-oven slice of bread with Peter Pan Peanut butter on it . . . is there possibly a better, or tastier treat???!!!

I remember praying with my grandparents and seeing them read from their Bibles. I remember my grandpa always had a smile on his face and was quick to laugh - or sing a silly song - and my grandma was sensible, sweet, and oh, so filled with love!
And, now, I live in the same house they lived in when I was little! Now my grandsons come to my home for sleep-overs! We sing, dance, pray together, talk about God's Word, and laugh, a lot! I bake bread - and cookies, of course, and my grandsons know their grandma and poppa love them with every bit of love a person can possibly love another person!

Heritage. For me it is as close as my kitchen; as close as my house. I see and remember my grandparents in this house where I now live; my grandparents had it built, my dad was born in this house - it is part of my heritage - and part of my grandsons' heritage as well. (And my mom - my grandchildren's great-grandma - lives across the street! When my oldest grandson and I talked about how he is able to know his great-grandma, he said; "I am very lucky and blessed, because not all children know their great-grandmas!" He is so right!)

Heritage matters. When we hand down a rich heritage of memories, stories, and time spent together we are making a difference in the live of the children we love and in the lives of their children, and children's children - should they have children of their own one day. How do you share your heritage with the ones you love?

(This photo is one of my grandma and my dad at a birthday party for him in front of their house - which has been my home for the past 20 years!)

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