Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Just for Fun!!! Did You Know . . .

I love learning about interesting animal facts. There are so many amazing animals in our world and they tend to have surprising, interesting, and sometimes completely unexpected facts which go with them. For example, did you know . . .

  • The eggs of a potato bug hatch in 7 days!
  • The eggs of a canary hatch in 14 days!
  • The eggs of the barnyard hen hatch in 21 days!
  • The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days!
  • The eggs of the mallard hatch in 35 days!
  • The eggs of the parrot and ostrich hatch in 42 days!
They are all divisible by seven (7) – the number of days in God’s creation week! Share these egg-facts with the children you love!

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