Monday, January 22, 2024

just for fun! Hippos and Mustaches!

I thought it would be fun to share some odd, funny, and  unbelievable facts with you which you are then able to share with your grandchildren!!! If you know an odd, funny or unbelievable fact to share with us - please do!!! I think it will be fun to learn all these "facts" . . . and then share them with our grandchildren!

So . . . here goes . . . I have two to share with you! First, an adult hippopotamus eats approximately 150 pounds of grass each night . . . which makes a lot greens for them to eat!!! When our grandchildren do not want to eat their green veggies, we can tell them they can be thankful they are not a hippo!!! :-)

And, did you know it is illegal to wear a fake mustache which could cause laughter in a church in the state of Alabama??? Yes!!! It is!!! You have to wonder what happened to make them pass a law like this!!!!

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