Sunday, January 21, 2024

Today is World Snow Day

Today is World Snow Day and with all the snow we have received the past two weeks, there is no shortage of it outside for my grandsons to use to celebrate World Snow Day. This day was started by the International Ski Federation, but whether you want to ski or not, the purpose works for everyone - if you have snow. They say, "The purpose of World Snow Day is to encourage families to make lasting memories with their children, as well as to offer opportunities for children to have experiences with winter sports like snowboarding and skiing."

What might you do to celebrate World Snow Day? Consider the following . . . 

  • Host a "Snow-A-Palooza" for the children you love and invite neighborhood children. Have snowman building contests, a snowball throwing contest, see who is able to make the most snow-angels in a certain amount of time, and anything else you might think of - be sure to take lots of photos!
  • Make snow ice cream - you will find a recipe at this link.
  • Make snowflakes!
  • Make snow "blobs" - I saw this on facebook - make mounds of snow and use glow-sticks for eyes for a fun and odd look in your yard!
You will find more ideas at this link.

If you have snow, take time to celebrate on World Snow Day!

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