Sunday, February 18, 2024

Be Surprised with - Polar Bears, Purple Gallinules, Numbats & More!


As my grandsons and I worked on this book we learned about one of the most surprising, unexpected, and unbelievable fish we had ever heard of . . . the Psychedelic Frogfish! 

This fish is one of the rarest, and most difficult to find in the sea. They also do something unusual - they bounce along the bottom of the sea like a big beach ball! There are more unique things about the Psychedelic Frogfish - consider getting the book - Polar Bears, Purple Gallinules, Numbats & More! to learn all about them - and how they help us know God is real and God and science DO go together!

You will also find Polar Bears, Blue-Tongued Skinks, Hairy Armadillos, Purple Gallinules, Otters, River Dolphins, Chilean Flamingos, Sunfish, Opossums, Numbats & Javelinas in this book - which ones have you never heard of before?

Make this a time to surprise the ones you love with interesting information about the creatures in this world - some they know about - like Polar Bears, and some they do not - you will be so glad you did! Polar Bears, Purple Gallinules, Numbats & More! will help you do exactly this! You will find it on Amazon and at this link. Please share this post with the parents and grandparents you know.

#lifeonthegoldilocksplanet #handingdownaconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo 

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