Saturday, February 17, 2024

Simple, Fun & Memorable - Make Your Own Erupting Snow!

While there is snow covering my yard, I found a cool project where you make your own "snow" . . . it looks like so much fun, I have to share it with you, too! I was browsing on  Pinterest and saw this link for making Erupting Snow - just follow this  link and you'll find the ingredients and directions for making "snow" and for having it "erupt"! Simple and fun, this is a project children will love, remember and want to show to others!

There are so many possibilities for connecting this cool project with Scripture as you enjoy it with your grandchildren, consider the following:
  • Jesus forgives and washes us white as snow (Psalm 51:7)
  • When we receive forgiveness from Jesus, He changes our lives (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • God hears and answers our prayers - and this is amazing! (Isaiah 65:24)
Simple, fun, engages children and is memorable . . . what could be better?  

I think this will be lots of fun - today wherever you live and keep it in mind for this summer - especially on a hot summer day! How might you use this project?

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