Thursday, February 1, 2024

Today - February 1st - is National Texas Day

Today is National Texas Day - when you look at the history of this State you learn "their history goes far back to the Native American settlers who were likely on this land for thousands of years prior to the arrival of European settlers. In the history of Texas, there have been six different entities that have ruled over the land, including France, Spain, Mexico, Republic of Texas, the Confederacy and the United States. This is sometimes referred to as the 'Six Flags of Texas'."

All very interesting, but there are also some very strange laws in Texas which are actually still "on the books", did you know . . . 

  • There are some cities in Texas where it’s illegal to go barefoot without a permit. In order to comply with the city’s laws of sanitation and appearance, citizens must buy a permit for $5. They are then free to go barefoot.
  • It’s illegal in some cities in Texas to sell Limburger cheese on Sunday.
  • Those planning to commit a crime in Texas are required by law to provide their victims with 24 hours written or verbal notice. The law was put on the books in an effort to reduce crime.
  • When two trains meet at a crossing, both need to fully stop and neither train can move until the other has left the crossing.
  • It is against the law to use a feather duster to dust any Texas public building. It’s unclear whether it’s the feather duster or the act of dusting that’s illegal.
You will find more odd laws at this link

There are also some very interesting facts about Texas - did you know . . . 
  • Texas the place where Dr. Pepper was invented, all the way back in 1885 – one year prior to the invention of Coca-Cola. 
  • Texas has more species of bats than any other US state. With 33 bat species in the state, just 11 will live near humans and can transmit rabies.
  • One ranch in Texas is actually larger than the US state of Rhode Island. That’s right, the King Ranch is located in south Texas and is situated on more than 1280 square miles – and Rhode Island is only 1212 square miles!
All interesting - you will find more information about Texas at this link.

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