Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Today is Statehood Day in Arizona

Yes, if you live in Arizona you are likely celebrating today as it is Statehood Day! It did not become a state until 1912 - and was the 48th state. We will look at some more interesting facts about Arizona, but first some of their silly laws - did you know it is illegal in Arizona to . . . 

  • Catch a fish with your bare hands
  • Own a camel without a permit
  • Hunt a jackrabbit from a moving vehicle
  • Ride a bicycle without a bell
You will find more of their laws at this link.

Now for some interesting facts about Arizona - did you know . . .
  • Arizona is best known for the Grand Canyon
  • They are known for their abundant availability of copper
  • The McDonald’s in Sierra Vista, Arizona opened the company’s first drive-through outlet.
  • Arizona's Sonoran Desert is the only place on earth where the saguro cactus grows.
You will find more interesting facts about Arizona at this link.

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