Saturday, February 10, 2024

Today is Teddy Bear Day!

Who doesn't love a nice, soft, snuggly teddy bear? So, I suppose a day to "celebrate" teddy bears makes sense . . . maybe! At any rate, whether it makes sense or not, today is Teddy Bear Day!

On the website where I found out about this day, it said, "Today is Teddy Bear Day. A Teddy Bear is a special friend to children all over the world. He's cuddly. He makes you feel secure in an otherwise insecure world. He's lovable. Your Teddy Bear is both a companion and a comforter. And, he's not afraid of the dark. He'll keep you safe. Spend the day and night with your teddy bear . Cuddle up to him. Talk to him. And, do all of your favorite things together. Parents and adults: No child should grow up without a teddy bear. If you know of any kid without one, use this day to buy a teddy bear for them. As we become adults, some find it difficult to give up our teddy bears. We feel there is no reason to give him up. Some adults have their teddy bears around all their lives. Its perfectly normal....and okay. Have a happy Teddy Bear Day!"

Teddy Bears are special friends to children around the world . . . my middle grandson loved stuffed bears when he was younger, but his favorite stuffed toy was his Floppy Bunny Rabbit Puppet! My oldest grandson liked a Grizzly Bear Puppet I have - we made up "George the Bear" stories for this bear - great times and great memories! My youngest grandson is a fan of Squismallows - of any design!

Teddy Bears are not afraid of the dark and are cuddly "friends" to snuggle with! I agree children should not grow up without a teddy bear! Since today is Teddy Bear Day, I thought it would be fun to share with you a free crochet pattern I found on Pinterest! It is a cute bear and if you are making it for a boy, I think it would be fine to make it without the clothes - just use a soft, plush yarn!
 Follow this link and you'll find the pattern - you might make a "den" full of bears for your grandchildren and extras to give to a local charity for children who do not have a bear.

I also found an adorable pattern for crocheted polka dot bears on Pinterest. This bear is sooo cute and would make a great gift for your grandchildren! Follow this link for a look at several fun polka dot animals . . . I like the bears and sheep the best! I didn't see a pattern, but think it would be pretty simple to make an animal and cover it with dots.

And, just for fun, I thought I'd share a few fun teddy bear facts - did you know . . .
  • After the Titanic sank in 1912, German toy company Steiff created 500 teddy bears to honor the victims. The “mourning bears” were black with red-rimmed eyes to show their sympathy. They now sell for $20,000 or more in auctions.
  • Magellan T. Bear became the first teddy bear in space when he boarded Space Shuttle Discovery in 1995. But he was not just a bear on holiday, he was the “education specialist” on the mission, having been a project for a Colorado elementary school. This teddy bear later flew around the world even visiting the South Pole.
  • A person who is very fond of or loves collecting teddy bears is called an Arctophile. The word arctophile combines the Greek words arctos (bear) and philos (loving/fond of).
You will find more fun facts at this link

So, do your grandchildren love teddy bears or do they have a different cuddly, stuffed friend?

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