Tuesday, February 13, 2024

We are "View-Givers"

Today I want to write about something important. Handing down a heritage of faith to our grandchildren. Several years ago I heard Steve Bell (Willow Creek Church) say something which got my attention: "How we feel about our grandchildren is how they will feel about themselves."

Did this get your attention? It sure got my attention! Happily, my grandsons know I love them like crazy and absolutely believe they are gifts from the hand of God! Why do they know this? Because I've said them a time or two . . . or pretty much every time I see them!

Please know as grandparents we do make a huge impact upon our grandchildren. It does matter what we say and do around these sweet blessings from God - more than you may even know!

So, the next time you are with your grandchildren, take time to give them a view of themselves which will build them up and help them see themselves as God does - ever so very loved and cherished!

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