Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Memories & Signs of Life/Spring

One time eight years ago when my grandsons were younger - seven, four, and two years old - we took a walk outside to look for signs of life/Spring. Things which showed us God's amazing creation. We found flowers (my then sweet four year old grandson picked some for me!) buds on branches, heard birds singing, and noticed how everything here in West Michigan was starting to turn green again!For the past month flowers have been blooming around my house, so as I noticed the new crocuses I remembered this time eight years ago and enjoyed the memory! This is one reason it matters for us to do things with the children we love which will build memories - for them and for us. I believe I will remember this wonderful time with my dear grandsons whenever I see crocuses - and I hope as they grow older, they will remember as well.

Love is something we say to the ones we love, but it is also something we show - by spending time and by noticing flowers, birds singing, and signs of Spring, too! Make time to build memories with the ones you love - as you do you will be showing love which has the power to be remembered for a lifetime!

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