Thursday, March 14, 2024

Today is National Learn About Butterflies Day

Spring is nearly upon us - although a look out my window tells me it is here as I see flowers blooming, trees budding, grass greening, and birds all around - which since I live in Michigan, this is significant! One of the things which "signals" the arrival of Spring here in West Michigan, is the Butterflies are Blooming exhibit at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park and runs March through April. Since today is National Learn About Butterflies Day, I thought it would be a wonderful time to once again encourage anyone who lives here or will be visiting during this time, to make time to visit as you will definitely be able to learn more about butterflies if you do! You will find information about Butterflies are Blooming at this link.

If you do not live in this area, today is still a wonderful time to learn something about these amazing little creatures, did you know . . . 

  • Species of butterflies - There are more than 20,000 types of butterflies all over the world.
  • Life span - Butterflies can live between a week to a year, depending on the conditions and species.
  • Tears of turtles - Butterflies drink tears of turtles and have been captured in the process several times in the Amazon.
  • Tasting with their feet - Butterflies taste with their feet, which have taste sensors.
  • Butterfly migration - Butterflies can migrate for long distances, with an example of the Monarch butterfly, which moves from Mexico to the northern U.S. and southern Canada, a journey of over 2,500 miles.
You will find more information about butterflies at this link.

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