Wednesday, May 22, 2024

An Important Word of Caution

If you are blessed to be a mom and grandma, take a moment to think about something which is so vitally important. Do you focus on making sure your own children and grandchildren know they are truly valued and loved by you, or do you let others be the ones who receive your love, attention, hugs, spoken words of affirmation, etc? Now, I am not saying people who are not your children or grandchildren should not receive your love, but if they do and your own children or grandchildren do not, then you need to stop and think about what you are doing.

And, do you shower your love on one child or grandchild at a rate not experienced by the others? As moms and grandmas we must NOT have favorites - this will cause great harm if we do. Having favorites not only harms the ones who are not the "favored one", but it harms the one you favor, as they often grow up to be irresponsible. 

I usually write about showing love to the ones we love - and I stand by this, but if we take our children and grandchildren for granted, treat them as disposable, shower our attention on someone else, or favor one above the others, we must stop. As moms and grandmas we are responsible to love the children and grandchildren given to us by God - and to do this in a way which is the same for all. This matters, so please take time today and think about what you do and say to your children/grandchildren and how you may need to make changes. Your relationship with them - and their relationships with you - are at stake.

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