Tuesday, May 7, 2024

It is Children's Book Week!

It is Children's Book Week - while I think every week, every day should be a day to engage children with books, I'm happy there is a week to focus on Children's Books! So, let's look at some of the benefits of reading books with children and then I'll share a couple children's books you might get for the children you love.

Did you know . . . 

  • Books create warm emotional bonds between kids and their parents, teachers, grandparents or other adults who read to them.
  • Reading books help children develop basic language skills and expand their vocabulary.
  • Books offer kids an opportunity to identify feelings, contextualize circumstances, and find connection with certain challenges they are facing.
  • Children’s books help to promote brain development in kids while encouraging imaginative thinking.
You will find more information on Children's Book Week at this link. Since Children's Books are clearly things which benefit the children we love, take a look at these books - they are fun reads for the children you love . . . 

Bedtime Fun with The Little Ginormous, Humungous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!
In "The Little Ginormous, Humungous, Hairy, One-Eyed
Monsters' Adventures", you will find two stories - “
There are Teeny, Tiny, Itty, Bitty, Not-so-Hairy, Two-eyed People Children Under My Bed!” where children will identify with the little ginormous, humungous, hairy, one-eyed monsters when they think they see a peculiar, scary, and terrifying teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, not-so-hairy, two-eyed people child under their bed! Of course when grandma monster tells the monster boys there can not be a people child under their bed because the people children are at their grandma's and poppa's house on a sleepover, it opens up an important conversation about how the little monster boys are really very much like the little people children.

In “The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys & Their Not-So-Peculiar, Scary, or Terrifying Discovery!” the little monster boys discover teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, not-so-hairy, two-eyed people children are moving in to a house down the street, so they decide to see for themselves if they are really peculiar, scary, and terrifying - or not.

In these books children will discover, along with the little ginormous, humungous, hairy, one-eyed monsters they are able to make friends with children who may not look like them. Just because they do not look the same, it does not mean they are “peculiar, scary, or terrifying” because we all are very much the same, whether we look alike or not.

Buy on Amazon for $11.99
at this link
Kindle ebook - $9.99
at this link

Bedtime Fun with a Sweet Kitten named Candy!
A Family of Her Own for Candy is a mostly true story about a little kitten and how she ended up with a family of her own. It is based on a true story of how Lynda and her husband, Dave decided to get a kitten from the Humane Society, so their grandsons helped choose the right one - which they named Candy.

Lynda wrote this story for children and hopes it delights them - especially if they and their families want to get a kitten (or even a canine) from their local Humane Society.

Buy on Amazon for $11.59
at this link
Kindle ebook - $9.59
at this link

Created "Just Right"! book series -
In this series young children ages three through seven will find full-color photos and fun facts which will help them see God created everything - including them - "just right"! You will find all six books at this link.

Life on the Goldilocks Planet - curriculum & book series -
This series is one children ages four through fourteen will love as they are able to see photos of unique, interesting, and even odd creatures which live on this planet with us. They will be engaged as they do activities to help them remember the animals and important truths about how the animals show us God's design. Parents and grandparents will love this series as it provides them with the tools they need to help the children they love learn how God is real and He designed and created the world and everything in it, so they are able to have a confident faith. You will find all 12 books at this link.

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms
for Children -
is a book written by Lynda and her three grandsons to help children learn to talk with God. (It is available in print form from Amazon at this link and as a digital PDF in our Book Store at this link.)If we want the children we love to learn to walk closely with God, they need to learn to talk with Him. Praying Deeper Through the Psalms - Children's Edition is designed to help children - preschool through Middle School age - learn to do exactly this by praying the Psalms back to God. In this book you will find 52 weeks of Scripture prayers from the Book of Psalms and space for children to record their own prayer requests and how God answers. With Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children the children you love will learn how to talk with God - and will make their way through the Book of Psalms a thoughtful way as well.

Buy on Amazon 
Print book - $12.99
at this link 
Kindle copy - $9.99 

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