Tuesday, June 25, 2024

One of the Most Important Things I Do as, "grandma"!

We are almost through the month of June; it won't be long and it will be July! This is one of my favorite times of the year! Why, you ask??? Because all the, "back-to-school" sales will be starting!

You may wonder why this is one of my favorite times of the year; especially since I'm a grandma. The reason is because of the word, "sales"! I LOVE back-to-school sales! It is the absolutely best time of year to stock up on important supplies . . . crayons (we can often find them for as low as 25 cents a box!!!!), water paints, markers, chalk, colored pencils, glue sticks, pencils, etc.!!! Of course, being grandma, I want to have a well-stocked supply of these, "essentials" - especially since one of my grandsons is an actual artist - his drawings are amazing, and my youngest grandson is also interested in being creative - sometimes!

Since these great supplies are priced so low, it makes them excellent items for the children you love to buy to give to others who are in need! Most communities have places where you can drop off backpacks filled with school supplies which they then give to children in need. Most churches and community centers use these types of supplies as well, so having your grandchildren go shopping for supplies which they can give to help others is an excellent way to help them think about and serve others!

While we certainly love spending time with our grandchildren doing things together which show our love for them, I do believe one of the best ways to show our love for them is to help them develop tender hearts so they grow up to be people who care about and serve others. This may very well be one of the most important things we do as grandmas (grandpas and parents, too)! Consider involving them in a project to help others by giving school supplies. 

What do you do to help your grandchildren develop, "tender hearts"?

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