Saturday, June 29, 2024

Summer Reading - Fluffle Bunnies - Buns Gone Bad

Yesterday I received a package of wonderful books from Penguin/ Random House Canada/Tundra and so for the coming week I will share about one book with you each day. As I have been saying, one of the best and most important things we are able to do for the children we love is to surround them with books from their youngest ages, read to and with them, because when we do they will begin talking sooner, they will have a larger vocabulary, will begin reading sooner, and will do better in school. Plus, all this reading and spending time together will help build strong relationships with you and the children you love.

So, this Summer be certain to surround the children you love with books - such as Fluffle Bunnies - Buns Gone Bad by Anna Humphrey and Irma Kniivila.

Favorite Features -

  • This is a fun graphic novel for children ages six through nine - and I believe children ten and eleven will enjoy it as well. It is a fun book to help these beginning and intermediate readers as they move from picture books to chapter books.
  • The illustrations "fit" this book perfectly.
  • Great idea for a story about cute, fluffy bunnies who have "gone bad"!
Tundra Books (Penguin/Random House Canada) says, "This story starts, as stories often do, with a tragedy. Three bunnies are left without their mother when she goes off to Brazil to learn jiujitsu.

The bunnies, Flop, Biggie, and Boingie, learn some hard truths about life pretty quick: squirrels will take over your cozy nest as soon as you leave and refuse to give it back, dogs are to be avoided at all costs, and raccoons will believe anything you tell them.

With quick thinking, ingenuity, and maybe a little bit of raccoon manipulation, these three buns will take on all comers to be the rulers of the park. Will they win?

Well, this IS an origin story . . ."

Yes, Fluffle Bunnies - Buns Gone Bad is an origin story, and children will absolutely want to read the next one to find out what happens next - of if you read it to them, they will want you to read the next one as well . . . which means more time reading or more time together, so Hooray! Check out Fluffle Bunnies - Buns Gone Bad, you and the children you love will be so glad you did.

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