Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Reading - Learn the "Whys" with Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More!


Yesterday I wrote about how vital it is for us to hand down confident faith to the children we love by teaching them the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real and God and science DO go together. Today I want to write about what it may look like for us to do this!

When we engage the children we love in learning about the amazing animals in this world God created, we are able to also help them learn some very important "whys". We are able to help them see how God knew what He was doing and set everything in motion so each animal would have the abilities it needed to survive. For example, did you know Pygmy Hippos (yes, there is such a thing as Pygmy Hippos - they live in West Africa and we didn't even know they existed until 1911!) are able to make their own "sun screen"? Their skin is very thin and would burn in the hot sun, but they are able to secrete a special substance which has antiseptic and sun screening properties, and this protects their skin! How cool is this! After learning about Pygmy Hippos, you and the children you love will be able to do a fun science project and make a tasty ice cream/fruit pie! You will also be encouraged to talk about a fantastic quote from Francis Collins - "There are good reasons to believe in God, including the existence of mathematical principles and order in creation. They are positive reasons, based on knowledge, rather than default assumptions based on a temporary lack of knowledge." 

In the book Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More! you will learn about twelve amazing animals - Scorpionfish, Eurasian Kingfishers, Flying Squirrels, Axolotls, Porcupines, Chevrotains, Clouded Leopards, Stargazer Fish, Giant Pandas, Pygmy Marmosets, Kiwis, & Pygmy Hippos! The book is filled with engaging activities and information to help you hand down confident faith to the children you love! 

So, if you are looking for something to use with the children you love to help them have a confident faith, or for a birthday, or a resource sure to add fun and learning to your time together, check out the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series on Amazon and at this link. Today is the perfect time to get a book, or two, in the Life on the Goldilocks Planet book series - Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More! is certainly an interesting and fun book with which to start! (And, the answer to the question is the Axolotls! Learn more about it, and Pygmy Marmosets and Kiwis in  Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More!)

#lifeonthegoldilocksplanet #handingdownaconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo 

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