Sunday, July 14, 2024

grandma's chuckles - "You Didn't Ask God to Let You Be a Boy"

Don't you just love it when the children you love say things which you know you will never forget? One day when my dear grandson was four years old he told me how wonderful it is to be a boy. He then said, "Before I was born I asked God to let me be a boy!" Then he looked at me with a very sad look, shook his head ever so slightly and said, "You didn't ask God to let you be a boy!" Obviously the only reason I was "stuck" being a girl is because I didn't think to ask God to let me be a boy! 

Don't you just love four year olds?!!! As you spend time with the children you love, take time to thank God for making them the unique and special people they are and for the joy they bring to your life! And be sure to save the things they say so you are able to remember and enjoy these things over and over again.

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