Friday, July 19, 2024

Summer Reading - A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast

I am SO happy to let you know about a most funny book from Kids Can Press - one you and the children you love are certain to enjoy . . . A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast by Collene Larmour. This book had me actually laughing - it is excellent!

Favorite Features -

  • The illustrations are colorful and fun - they add to the fun of the story.
  • I enjoyed how the result of skipping breakfast became more and more clear as each page was read.
  • Any book which adds such wonderful humor to the story is one I heartedly endorse!
Kids Can Press says, "Croc is running late for his shift as the river ferry. No time for breakfast. He’ll pick up some donuts at the Hippo Hut. Only, Hippo’s sold out! Good thing Croc has an emergency snack. Except, his banana has gone bad! Croc is going to have to work on an empty stomach, with loads of animals on his back. Croc gets hungrier and hungrier, thinking of donuts and … other things to eat. Will he ever make it to lunch?

Author and illustrator Colleen Larmour keeps the suspense level high in this playful picture book, with a fast-paced story told mostly in dialogue bubbles, spreads filled with animal antics and bright tropical colors, and funny, exaggerated depictions of Croc’s growing hunger. A delicious romp, this book also serves as a terrific reminder - food is fuel."

When I saw the title of A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast, I had an idea of where this story might go, but reading it was so much fun - even with my idea of the results of Croc skipping breakfast! If you want to spend some wonderful time with the children you love reading, and absolutely laughing together, get A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast - you all will be so glad you did!

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