Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Summer Reading - My Grammie's House

For the past few days I've been sharing with you books from Penguin/Random House Canada/Tundra Books and today I have a sweet book to add to the list of books to check out for Summer Reading with the children you love - My Grammie's House by Lana Button and illustrated by Skye Ali.

Favorite Features -

  • Fantastic illustrations - I love how the illustrator "showed" what Grammie's house looked like inside - such a sweet way to illustrate it!
  • In this sweet story the little girl shares her wonderful memories of time spent in her Grammie's house with people who are buying the house.
  • This story shows how love we lavish on our grandchildren will be remembered.
  • While there is a sadness, Grammie no longer lives in her house, there is so much love in the story it is an encouraging book.
Penguin/Random House Canada/Tundra Books says, "A sweet picture book about a kid welcoming new people into her grammie's old house. 'You're going to love my Grammie's house. You'll love every single thing about it.'

A precocious and delightful tour guide walks some potential buyers through Grammie's old house, showing them all the great things about it: a shaggy rug for shuffling, a shady closet which makes a great clubhouse, the perfect spot for eating cookies — even a climbing tree. And with each new detail eagerly pointed out, we get to see hints of what the house was like when Grammie was still there and experience the love which lived in every nook and cranny.

This charming and tender story celebrates the connections we make between people and the spaces they inhabit, and the memories which live on even when new connections are being made."

I found My Grammie's House to be a delight. It will encourage you to build memories by investing time in the children you love. This time you spend matters now, and for years to come! My Grammie's House is a fantastic book to add to your Summer Reading list!

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