Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer Reading - Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs

While we are all likely familiar with Mother Goose's fairy tales, shockingly, they are not based in science! Well, Mother Goose's great-niece, Professor Goose, is ready to set the familiar stories straight as she fact-checks The Three Little Pigs. Yes, this is a fun story and also an educational read with all the actual "fact-checks" and science, so get ready to enjoy Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs, by Paulette Bourgeois and illustrated by Alex G. Griffiths as the children you love will love it - and so will you!

Favorite Features -

  • The story is fun and the six fact-checks are fantastic!
  • I enjoyed the illustrations.
  • I love the "Did you Know?" at the back of the book.
Penguin/Random House Canada/Tundra Books says, "Mother Goose's fairy tales are NOT based in science, and her great niece Professor Goose thinks it's time to share the truth. Join Professor Goose as she — literally — travels through the pages of The Three Little Pigs, fact-checking, exposing the flaws and explaining the science. Did you know pigs run in a zigzag pattern? And there's no way a wolf's breath would be strong enough to blow down anything, even if he has his whole pack with him? And hay bales are strong enough to resist most up, down, and sideways forces? Sounds like the perfect material for building a house! . . . Or, not. But not to worry — Professor Goose is armed with helpful hints on how to make a structure strong enough to withstand hurricane forces!

Jammed with jokes and hilarious illustrations, this book entertains while it introduces basic scientific laws and rules to young readers. At the back of the book, readers will find Professor Goose's new, carefully researched fairy tale ending as well as her favorite facts about coding!"

I know my grandsons would have loved this book when they were younger, it is a fantastic and fun book which also educates in a very memorable way! If you are looking for a new book to share with the children you love ages three to seven, absolutely take a look at Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs, it is sure to be a hit!

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