Monday, July 15, 2024

Today is Global Hug Your Kids Day!

Now this is a "day" this grandma is very willing to celebrate - although, for the most part, I hugged grown kids and grandkids yesterday when they were here - I'm sending virtual hugs to them today and hugging my grown daughter since she is at my house today! So, to celebrate this wonderful day, let's look at some of the benefits of hugs - did you know . . .

  • Hugging makes you happy because it releases a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin makes us feel happy, relaxed, and safe.
  • It makes your kids smarter - Hugging is one of the most important stimuli required to grow a healthy brain.
  • Research shows that hugs significantly reduce a person’s existential fears.
  • Hugging relieves stress and teaches children how to cope with it as adults.
  • Most people lead with their right arm when going in for a hug.
  • Oxytocin inspires positive thinking and gives us an optimistic outlook on the world.
You will find out more about this wonderful day to celebrate with the ones you love at this link. While I believe any time you are with your grown kids and grandkids it is a time for a hug, a day to especially be sure you give those hugs is absolutely a day to celebrate! Q

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