Saturday, July 27, 2024

Today is National New Jersey Day

If you - or someone you love - lives in New Jersey, today is a day to celebrate as it is National New Jersey Day. It is a fun day to look at some of their silly laws and interesting facts - and be sure to share them with the children you love - did you know . . . 

  • In the state of New Jersey, it is illegal to frown at a cop.
  • It is illegal to slurp your soup in a public place.
  • In Trenton, it is illegal to eat pickles on Sundays. It is also illegal to toss a bad pickle into the road.
  • It is illegal for birds to poop on statues.
You will find more silly laws at this link. Now for some interesting facts about New Jersey - did you know . . .
  • New Jersey was the third state to join the union.
  • The first indigenous inhabitants of New Jersey were the Delaware Indians. 
  • It initially named New Netherlands until Britain established their rule over the land. 
  • Known as the Garden State, cranberries, blueberries, and tomatoes are grown there.
  • New Jersey is home to many global firsts, such as drive-in movie theaters, the world’s first submarine, and most importantly, the incandescent light bulb.
  • Today, New Jersey has the second-highest population density of any state in the U.S.
You will find more interesting facts about New Jersey at this link.

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