Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Today is National Wyoming Day

If you live in Wyoming then today is a day to celebrate as it is National Wyoming Day! Let's look at some silly Wyoming laws and then some interesting fun facts about this State - be sure to share them with the children you love! Did you know . . . 

  • It is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking.
  • It (was) illegal to take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit.
  • In Cheyenne, it's illegal to spit on the steps of a school.
You will find more silly laws at this link. Now for some interesting fun facts - did you know . . .
  • Wyoming was the 44th state to join the union. 
  • Wyoming is home to seven national parks including Yellowstone.
  • Wyoming is the least populous state in the United States with a population of close to 575,000 people.
  • More than half of the land in Wyoming is owned by the federal government.
  • Wyoming’s official state sport is rodeo.
You will find more interesting Wyoming facts at this link.

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