Thursday, August 22, 2024

It is National Burger Day

I think it is safe to say, most Americans enjoy a good burger, so a day to celebrate this favorite food will likely be a tasty day! I thought it would be fun on this day of the burger, to find some burger facts; did you know . . . 

  • The closest thing resembling a burger is first made in the 1st century A.D. in Rome — it is a ground minced meat dish prepared with pine nuts, peppers, and flavorings of wine and garum.
  • Americans eat 50 billion burgers a year, or about three per week per person.
  • McDonald's founder Ray Kroc didn't get into the hamburger business until he was past age 50. Before then, he was a soda fountain worker, ambulance driver, bordello piano player, stock-market board operator, cashier, paper cup salesman, radio DJ, and milk-shake-mixer salesman.
  • The privately owned In-N-Out Burger chain is famous for discreetly printing Bible citations on its cups and burger wrappers.
  • Close to 60% of all sandwiches sold all over the world are actually hamburgers.
  • In the quirky slang of short-order cooks, a hamburger was known as "choked beef" and "a grease spot." To cook one was to "brand a steer" and to add a slice of onion was to "pin a rose" on it.
  • Hamburgers get their name from the Hamburg steaks German immigrants brought with them to the US. 
  • The first fast food restaurant was introduced in 1921. It sold burgers for five cents!
  • According to McDonald's, the chain sells 75 burgers every single second of every minute of every hour of every single day.
  • If all the burgers eaten by Americans were to be arranged in a line, it would circle the globe 32 times!
How do you enjoy your burgers? I'm marginally "daring" - I tend to have ketchup, cheese, a pickle or two, and a bit of lettuce to my burgers - well, I guess "daring" is not a word to describe my burger toppings - although I do enjoy a salmon burger with mayo and lettuce! But, most of my family members like their burgers, "fully loaded"!

What about you? How do you and your family enjoy your burgers?

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