Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Skydiving . . . in Seven Years!

Today is my husband's and my 43rd anniversary - we met on an active volcano in Northern California! In seven years this will be me as we are going skydiving with our daughter, son, and three grandsons to celebrate our 50th anniversary! When this happens, we will join the two percent of grandparents who have been skydiving - it will be SO much fun!

We are waiting seven years so our youngest grandson will be old enough to skydive with us - you have to be 18. He says if he had to do it today, he would say "NO!", but he thinks when he is 18 he will want to do it, so we are waiting for him to join us in the fun! Since we met on an active volcano, we have to do something "interesting" to celebrate our 50th - skydiving seems to me like it will be interesting for sure. What are you doing - or what have you done - to celebrate important milestones in your life?

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