Thursday, August 8, 2024

Today - August 8th - is International Cat Day

If you have a feline family member, then today is a day for you to celebrate as it is International Cat Day! Candy is the cat in the photo - she is our cat. Two years ago my grandsons went with their poppa and I to the Humane Society to get a cat - they chose her - or she chose us? Either way, she is the one who came home with us and we are very happy to have her as part of our family!

So, today I thought it would be interesting and fun to look at some cat facts, did you know . . . 

  • house cat’s genome is 95.6 percent tiger.
  • Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don’t taste sweetness.
  • Cats can jump up to six times their length.
  • Cats have 230 bones, while humans only have 206.
  • Cats walk like camels and giraffes: They move both of their right feet first, then move both of their left feet. No other animals walk this way.
  • A cat’s learning style is about the same as a 2- to 3-year-old child.
  • Cats can drink sea water in order to survive. (In case you’re wondering, we can’t.)
  • Each cat’s nose print is unique, much like human fingerprints.

You will find more cat facts at this link.

And, a few more cat facts . . . 
  • 18% – the percentage of households in the U.K. ruled by a cat.
  • 9,500 – the number of years ago when the oldest-known pet cat existed.
  • 70% – the percentage of their lives cats spend sleeping.
  • 20 – the number of years an orange cat named ‘Stubbs’ served as the mayor of a small town in Alaska.
  • 48.5 – the record number of inches for the longest cat ever.
  • 19.05 – the record number of inches of the tallest cat ever.
  • £7 million – the net worth of the richest cat in the world.
  • 1963 – the year when a cat was successfully sent to space.
  • 30 mph – the maximum speed of a house cat.
Certainly we are able to celebrate International Cat Day by celebrating our cats - take their photos, give them a special dinner, let them have their favorite snacks, play with them, give them extra lap-time (as I write this post Candy is taking a nap in my lap - which makes typing more challenging as she is laying on my arm!) - give your cat whatever they will enjoy!

You will find out more information about International Cat Day at this link - enjoy your cat, today and every day!

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