Sunday, August 11, 2024

Today is Son & Daughter Day

I do not need a special day to be thankful for and to remember the joy my daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons bring to my life, but today is Son & Daughter Day . . . the day to celebrate our sons and daughters! 

It also happens to be a great evening to watch the Perseid meteor shower and, since yesterday was also 'Smores Day, one way you might celebrate together is by making 'smores - it won't matter for it to be one day after 'Smores Day.

So, on this Sons & Daughters Day, let's take a moment to look at some interesting, fun facts - did you know . . .
  • 83 Million – Families in the U.S.
  • 3.14 – The size of the average family in the U.S.
  • 3.79 Million – Number of babies born each year in the U.S
  • 40% – First-time parents who would prefer to have a son
  • 28% – First-time parents who would prefer to have a daughter
  • 32% – First-time parents who have no gender preference for their baby
  • 69% – Children under 18 living with two parents in the U.S.
  • 29.5 – Average age of the American man when he first marries
  • 27.4 – Average age of the American female when she first marries
  • 51% – Children in the U.S are born male
What will you do to celebrate Son & Daughter Day? You will find out more information about this special day and ideas for how to celebrate it at this link - enjoy!

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