I am very happy to say, Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is available on Kindle and as a print version on Amazon - and it makes a wonderful gift for the grandparents you know! But not only for grandparents as if you are a parent, aunt, uncle, or someone who works with children, this book is for you, too.
However; writing an actual, real book about something of substance was something I did not think I would ever do. I didn't think I'd be able to write an entire book and definitely thought I'd never be able to think of a fitting title. Then, one morning a few years ago, I actually woke up with the title for a book in my mind and wrote it in two weeks!
If you have been reading my blogs for very long, you know I LOVE being a grandma! You know I find great delight and joy in spending time with my three grandsons. In Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren I write about some of my, "sweet grandson stories" and share how important it is to hand down a heritage of faith to our grandchildren. If we are grandparents, we may think our "job" is over, since we raised our own children. But, our "job" is not over. If we have grandchildren and want them to make the choice to love, know, and walk with Jesus, we need to be focused and intentional about helping our grandchildren understand how much Jesus loves them and how they are able to love Him back! In Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren you will find ideas, Scripture prayers, the thoughts of a grandma, and her commitment to see her three sweet boys choose to love, know, and follow Jesus!
I love being grandma, absolutely love my grandsons and fully believe it is essential for grandparents - and parents, aunts, uncles, and others who work with children, to be focused and intentional about handing down a heritage of faith. It is my hope Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren will help you with ideas about how you will be able to do this.
I also want to share comments from people who have read Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren . . .
"Every grandparent will want to read Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren, not because you don't want to spoil them, but because you want to help your grandchildren grow God's way. Grandparenting is a special gift from God, and as a grandparent, I am deeply grateful for this awesome gift. But I also want to maximize the gift and this book will help me, and you, with this challenge."
Gil Beers;
Father to five, Grandfather of 11, Great-Grandfather to three,
Author of, The Toddler's Bible, What Everyone Should Know
About the Bible, The Treehouse Tales and more than 160 books.
About the Bible, The Treehouse Tales and more than 160 books.
"Lynda has given us the gift of a book long overdue! With warmth, wit and sincerity she shows grandparents it's more than OK to lavishly love on their grandchildren and shares how to pour into their lives, making the positive impact only a grandparent is able to make - the kind which doesn't spoil a child; rather a love which helps strengthen and shape the heart and character of your grandchildren. Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is the perfect book to purchase for yourself or give to those who are, or about to become grandparents, as it is a valuable book for every family."
Maralee McKee;
Mom to three, Author, The Gracious Mom's Guide to Manners, Founder, MannersMentor.com
"At last a book for grandparents which is as enjoyable to read as it is filled with godly wisdom. I especially like having questions at the end of the chapters. This is a winner, Lynda."
Nancy Samra; Mom of three & Grandma of 11
I really enjoyed your examples in Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren as I could relate to them in a personal way. Although they were not the same experiences, it brought to mind our experiences and on turn, brought a smile to my face. I love your optimism as it is intertwined through the pages. I believe "open eyes" is what we truly must pray.
Lori Layne; Mom of six, Grandma to 14 & Missionary with Pilots for Christ
Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildrenis filled with reminders to take each conversation with grandkids seriously and not be flippant or careless about what we say to them. It is good to be challenged on what kind of legacy are we choosing to leave. I like your post-it note action items and your follow-up questions which cause the reader to apply what they have learned.
Carla Boon-Julian Mom, Grandma of eight & Calvary Church Children’s MinistryDon't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren will encourage you to well-love, with enthusiasm the children you have - grandchildren and children - as they are gifts from God's hand. He well-loves us with great enthusiasm and if we follow His example, we will be able to do the same with the children we love with no fears of "spoiling" them!
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